Wednesday, May 27, 2009

RSS Feeds

I think RSS feeds could be very useful but there would be the need to check them daily or they could build up and become unmanageable. The OPAL training blog would be a very useful RSS feed as it would keep library staff up to date with new developments in the library world.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Social Networking

Today we covered the topic of social networking and I joined Facebook just to see how it is done not because I think I will actually use it. I can see the value in these social networking sites and have two teenage children who use Facebook and MySpace daily but at the moment I cannot imagine finding time to actually get on the computer and use them myself. Maybe in the future I will.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hello fellow bloggers,
Today we learnt about wikis. I enjoyed viewing the video on the SLQ website. It was very informative. I often use wikipedia and find it quite reliable and helpful.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day Two.

Today we learnt how to add a picture to our blog. I chose this picture of Bondi Beach as I will be there this Friday!

Test Drive 1

Day OneBeing a recent graduate of the Library Tech's course, I have learnt a bit about blogging but have not had the opportunity, or I guess the inclination, to do any. I hope that participating in the Licence to Test Drive will increase my knowledge in a more practical way than what we covered in the Tech's course. I am not sure how blogging would be used in the library but guess it would be useful for things such as book reviews.